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Litigation is part of daily life for businesses. ASKESIS assists you with managing these challenging phases which may place you in opposition against your suppliers, customers, competitors or former partners. You will be able to rely on our total support, to allow you to continue to focus on the progress of your business, while also being assured that your rights are being respected.

Litigation that is entrusted to us is always assigned to a two-person team made up of a legal expert in procedure and a lawyer who is familiar with the substantive matter of the dispute, in collaboration with your usual Counsel within the Firm. The case will first be analysed from a strategic standpoint, combined with analysis on your company, followed by rigorous implementation which complies with the objectives that have been determined together.

  • Urgent procedures;
  • Procedures on substantive matters;
  • Measures of execution;
  • Negotiations of settlement agreements;
  • Handling of international litigation.

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L+/LMS - PHP: 0.072s - Smarty: 0.085s - Total: 0.157s - Docs
0.00029025	SELECT * FROM `avocats` WHERE 1  AND (FIND_IN_SET("9", expertises)) AND (`avocats`.etat = "en-ligne")

0.00105375 SELECT statut, url_detail, libelle_en AS libelle FROM avocats_statuts
0.00029500 SELECT * FROM expertises WHERE id = '9' AND etat = 'en-ligne'
0.00215850 SELECT MAX(update_time) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema = 'askesiyfrank' AND table_name = 'expertises'
0.00051950 SELECT * FROM `pages` WHERE (FIND_IN_SET('en', lang) OR lang = '') AND `etat` = 'en-ligne' AND url <> '' AND groupe <> 'invisible' ORDER BY ordre > 0 DESC, ordre ASC, url ASC
0.00140675 DESC `expertises`
0.00036825 SELECT id, `expertises`.`titre_en` AS titre, "" AS title, alias_en AS alias FROM `expertises` WHERE 1 AND (`expertises`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY rang ASC
0.00242025 DESC `actualites`
0.00258250 DESC `actualites_themes`
0.00151800 SELECT DISTINCT `actualites_themes`.* FROM `actualites` LEFT JOIN `actualites_themes` ON FIND_IN_SET(,actualites.theme) WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND `actualites_themes`.`id` IS NOT NULL AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY libelle_en
0.00033950 SELECT url, cible, alias_en AS alias FROM pages WHERE etat = 'en-ligne'
0.00142825 DESC `actualites`
0.00049275 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne")
0.00042250 SELECT * FROM `actualites` WHERE 1 AND FIND_IN_SET('en',`actualites`.`lang`) AND (`actualites`.etat = "en-ligne") ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 0,10
0.00040375 SELECT url, cible, alias_fr AS alias FROM pages WHERE etat = 'en-ligne'
0.01569950 Total: 15